Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Quiet Before the Storm

Rainbow Talk
On my way into work this morning, I pulled into the parking space and looked straight west. It has been raining and the clouds were still thick and dark. But in the clouds I saw a short rainbow. It was actually in two parts, one part was real small and right above the horizon and then a band of dark clouds covered the next section and the top was longer yet and slowly blended into the storm clouds above. The clouds were moving pretty quick because of the wind so it only lasted for about 15 seconds.

As I was looking at it, I felt God saying that he is going to be fairly quiet for now (small band of clouds). But the last little bit of the rainbow illustrates that the final trumpet is about to sound. As the last trumpet is sounding, the first harvest will take place.

If someone was to study the tradition of Jewish weddings and compare it to the role Jesus is fulfilling in the lifespan of people on earth, fall season(harvest) or the festival Rosh Hashanah will likely be the season of His return for His Bride.

We are told that no one knows the day or hour but to watch for the signs. As we get closer to that instant, he is continually revealing more details.

Are you ready? This could be the year!

On this linked blog, you will find PDFs of Letters from God the Father and His Christ, I recommend reading the introduction to learn the credibility of the author, Timothy, and then read the last half of volume 6 and volume 7. All of the volumes contain the Truth of the Father but if time is short, volumes 6 & 7 are the important ones.