Thursday, April 21, 2011

It’s Called Grace

Well, I have been asking God to teach me about his kingdom and about His ways. The first lesson was about Grace. A cousin came into town to visit my sister as they worked on wedding plans.

As they were heading out, the car started running real bad. My sister called me for help. After some diagnostics, I found it to be the ignition control module. Now for a new problem. It was an expensive part and I knew for a fact that they could not afford that kind of repair.

So God told me to pay for the new part and extend grace to them. “Helping someone when they could not possibly help themselves... More so, paying that price for someone else that can’t ever pay the required price”.

OK. Grace extended... lesson learned!
But was this lesson completed?

Can Grace be planted as a seed?

Well... My wife and I were going to go get gas in my dad’s car. Sitting at the traffic light, the guy behind us thought it turned green and gave us a good jolt. Not seeing any damage, we shook hands and made our way.

After getting home, I found some damage. I’m not sure how this will all turn out but I had to report to dad about the accident. Obviously he was disappointed but seemed to understand. The question in thought is this...

Along with the lesson about grace, did God give me the opportunity to plant a seed of grace so that I was given grace from my father with his car? Are we extended grace and forgiveness based on how we have forgiven others and extended that grace to others? What about salvation itself? If we are holding unforgiveness for someone, how does that reflect when we are standing before the King of Kings and need His forgiveness?

I’m reminded of “The Lord’s Prayer”. “...forgive us of our transgresses as we have forgiven those who have transgressed against us.”

Thank you, God, for the gift of forgiveness in an unforgiving world.