Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Relentless Pursuit?

So last week we introduced Minkqua and you might be asking, "How does rolling with the punches relate to relentless pursuit?" That's a good question. In order to understand the connection, we should first make sure we know what the words Relentless and Pursuit mean.

Relentless - (re⋅lent⋅less: adjective) - that does not relent; unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh; unrelenting: a relentless enemy.

Pursuit -
(pur⋅suit: noun) - the act of pursuing: in pursuit of the fox, an effort to secure or attain; quest: the pursuit of happiness, any occupation, pastime, or the like, in which a person is engaged regularly or customarily: literary pursuits

What's that? "Unyieldingly severe"? That's really intense! So if Pursuit is chasing something down, then Relentless Pursuit would be intensely chasing something like a lion chasing it's next meal.

Have you ever been working on something and you just can't seem to make it work the way you intended? Maybe it was a business or civil negotiation that isn't working out. Maybe it's watching a teenager continue to make mistakes no matter how much you talk to them. Maybe it's a relationship that has been failing and you keep trying to make it work. It could even be something as simple as loosing weight. When that time comes when you don't know how you can keep trying and you are ready to give up, that's when the shift begins.

What shift you ask? Up to that point, the quest has only been just that; a quest or Pursuit. The shift I'm referring to is when a pursuit becomes relentless. When is that point? It's different for each of us but for the most of us, it's when we are physically and mentally exhausted. This is the point where your energy and drive is no longer coming from your physical being, because you are exhausted; it's now "All Heart." It's the point when those who are watching you can't understand why and how you can keep going.

In the movie, "Facing the Giants", Grant Taylor - High school football coach for the Eagles shows us what all heart looks like.
<<<< Mind Set Example >>>>

When you are rolling with the punches, exhaustion will eventually be on you like a latex glove. You are not going to want to get up and keep moving forward. The weight of the project will be so heavy that you will have to reach down inside your gut and pull the drive and energy out of your heart. Ever seen a runner pass out after a long distance run? That's because they were physically exhausted and running from the heart. They wanted it so very bad!

How bad do you want it? Are you willing to step up the pursuit? Become relentless about your mission and, if it's a worthy mission, well..... you will have a story to tell indeed.

Next week..... Wealth Creation - Build it with the right foundation and it will last for generations.