Saturday, September 5, 2009

Think you're rich because you have money?

Are you sure?!

Now that the right, strong foundation has been set, let's dive into what true wealth really is. I'm sure wealth could be defined in several different ways based on what we ourselves feel is most important in our lives. So let's start by looking at the definition of wealth.

1. An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.
2. The state of being rich; affluence.
3. All goods and resources having value in terms of exchange or use.
4. A great amount; a profusion: a wealth of advice.

Don't you just feel good when you think of being wealthy? If only it was just that simple. If I was defining this word, I would break it down a little bit more because if you have a lot of stuff but are in poor health, it's pretty tough to enjoy the stuff. If you have health and riches but no family or friends to share your successes with, you would still be empty. And since all lasting fulfillment comes from having a purpose, there must be a spiritual side to wealth also.

True Wealth isn’t just about material abundance — although that’s a fun and extremely necessary component. It’s about abundance in all areas of your life. Think of harmony as a musical performance, in which different instruments move to weave a magical tapestry. Now, apply this to your life. Wouldn’t you like to have all the different parts of your life moving toward an elegant whole that’s more than the sum of its parts? That’s "True Wealth".

Most people equate wealth with money. While money is a part of wealth, it’s so much more than that. True wealth is a state of harmony and well-being. I know people who are multi-multimillionaires who would gladly hand over half their net worth to have more health, loving relationships, or a personal connection with something beyond themselves. A truly wealthy individual experiences harmony in all facets of his or her life — a sense of fulfillment and well-being that transcends the momentary happiness of lopsided achievements in one or two areas while neglecting the others.

True wealth really consists of four parts; Family, Fitness, Spiritual & Financial.

Napoleon Hill explains this best in his book classic "The Master Key to Riches" available at book stores or at

An older and more relevent source for proper/balanced wealth is the book of Proverbs in the Holy Bible. In Proverbs, King Solomon gives detail fundamentals of having a successful life. At our current day and age, there are some aspects of wealth that are more relevent to the future than others.

Keep the Big Picture in mind!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

Didn't that commercial get on your nerves? Now, when you see a Verizon commercial, you can hear that statement in your head: "Can you hear me now?"

How many people do you know that work in the stock trading industry? One of the secrets of trading stocks is knowing when to buy and when to sell. Wouldn't it be cool to have someone that would call you when it was time to make a move; kindof like a mentor. Well, what if you wanted to create a fortune but wanted to have that edge in anything you do?

There is a way. In whatever method you are looking at to generate wealth, there is one concept that will give you the confidence in knowing you are headed in the right direction.

Here is a video that will explain it better than I can.
Get tuned in Here!

Wanna trade secret of the most successful?
Go where you can hear God's voice. That's where He is going to bless you.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stepping out on the Right Foot.

We have all heard the bible story for the man who built his house on the sand and the man who built his house on the rocks. Which one was the wise man? If you have never heard the story, you can probably guess the right answer.

A prosperous and fulfilling life is the same way. If you want a stable life that is full of joy and fulfillment, it has to be built on a solid foundation. Let's say you cruised through college partying and having a good time. When it came time, you met that special someone, got married, started a family but never took responsibility for the future of your family. Eventually, the partying lifestyle would begin to take it's toll on your family.

Building a life of fulfillment is a lot like that. You see, true wealth is more than financial success. I know people that have more money than they can spend but have no time to enjoy it or their pursuit of riches has cost them their family. Since the only things we take with us when we die are relationships and memories, I'd say the person that only chases money is still poor no matter how much his/her banker loves him/her.

The richest man who ever lived, King Solomon, asked for one thing and one thing only; WISDOM (1 Kings 4:29-30). Since this is what he asked of God, God said all of the other "stuff" would be his also. Maybe it's just me but it really sounds like the path to true wealth begins with wisdom and if the wisdom is the key, then knowing God must be the beginning of all wisdom.

Now, there is something else. I don't know how many times I've heard the words, "Money isn't everything" and "You have too much money, you need to give some of it to the poor." People that think like this make me sick. I can say that because I have thought like that myself and I'll tell you that being poor doesn't help anyone. It only makes you frustrated. It keeps you from being a blessing to someone who truly needs the help and if you think it is holy to be poor, you are believing an age old lie spun by the devil himself. Even Mother Teresa was worth over $3 million when she passed away.

I'm not going to get in the biblical aspect of money or religion here but i'd say that if you have believed you are a better person because you are broke, you are sadly mistaken. I can prove it. When you live paycheck to paycheck, who do you think of most on payday; the needs of you and your family or the single mom down the street that struggles just to keep power on in the house? So tell me, is your lack really helping anyone?

The point of this article is not to vent but the attitude toward "Stuff" in our country has created the mess our government is in today. In order to turn things around, I believe we need to change our thought process and attitude toward wealth and that begins with a strong, right foundation.

Look at wealth like this. Nothing was ours when we were born and nothing is ours when we die. The only thing that has mattered is how we use what we have been given. If nothing on this earth is new, and somethings get passed on to the next generation, then God must have owned everything from the beginning and he will own it all when we are finished with it. So it makes since that we are just stewards of everything we have.

How are you going to use your resources to make a difference? What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind. Are you chasing true wealth or are you just trying to get rich? A mentor of mine by the name of Mike Murdock once said "You will ALWAYS put your time and money into what is most important to you." For some, that might be depressing.

I don't have a video clip today but instead just a link to The Wisdom Center website where there are all kinds of resources that relate to true wisdom.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Relentless Pursuit?

So last week we introduced Minkqua and you might be asking, "How does rolling with the punches relate to relentless pursuit?" That's a good question. In order to understand the connection, we should first make sure we know what the words Relentless and Pursuit mean.

Relentless - (re⋅lent⋅less: adjective) - that does not relent; unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh; unrelenting: a relentless enemy.

Pursuit -
(pur⋅suit: noun) - the act of pursuing: in pursuit of the fox, an effort to secure or attain; quest: the pursuit of happiness, any occupation, pastime, or the like, in which a person is engaged regularly or customarily: literary pursuits

What's that? "Unyieldingly severe"? That's really intense! So if Pursuit is chasing something down, then Relentless Pursuit would be intensely chasing something like a lion chasing it's next meal.

Have you ever been working on something and you just can't seem to make it work the way you intended? Maybe it was a business or civil negotiation that isn't working out. Maybe it's watching a teenager continue to make mistakes no matter how much you talk to them. Maybe it's a relationship that has been failing and you keep trying to make it work. It could even be something as simple as loosing weight. When that time comes when you don't know how you can keep trying and you are ready to give up, that's when the shift begins.

What shift you ask? Up to that point, the quest has only been just that; a quest or Pursuit. The shift I'm referring to is when a pursuit becomes relentless. When is that point? It's different for each of us but for the most of us, it's when we are physically and mentally exhausted. This is the point where your energy and drive is no longer coming from your physical being, because you are exhausted; it's now "All Heart." It's the point when those who are watching you can't understand why and how you can keep going.

In the movie, "Facing the Giants", Grant Taylor - High school football coach for the Eagles shows us what all heart looks like.
<<<< Mind Set Example >>>>

When you are rolling with the punches, exhaustion will eventually be on you like a latex glove. You are not going to want to get up and keep moving forward. The weight of the project will be so heavy that you will have to reach down inside your gut and pull the drive and energy out of your heart. Ever seen a runner pass out after a long distance run? That's because they were physically exhausted and running from the heart. They wanted it so very bad!

How bad do you want it? Are you willing to step up the pursuit? Become relentless about your mission and, if it's a worthy mission, well..... you will have a story to tell indeed.

Next week..... Wealth Creation - Build it with the right foundation and it will last for generations.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Where in the World did that come from?

Well, I never expected such a simple little concept to go so far. My license plate reads MINKQUA. I have been stopped at filling stations everywhere and at all times of the day and heard this little question; "What does MINKQUA stand for?"

I could jump in and give the short explanation but what fun would that be? Would you really have a complete understanding of the emotion behind the meaning? Maybe, maybe not. I guess it would depend on how you define your dream and what success looked like to you. What would it look like? What kinds of sounds would you hear as you began to see it. Would you smell nature around you or the big city? What friends or family members would be with you to share in your dream?

The word "minkqua" is a noun that is represented by the activity one puts forth working toward their dream. Kind of like the word "love", it's not physical or something you can hold in your hand but instead is the evidence of certain specific traights. If we go to the root of the word, it's actually three words combined. Now for the origin story. There is an old Chinese Proverb that translates in english to "Keep a Mind Like Water", or in simple terms, "Roll with the Punches".

I know what you're thinking and yes there is a connection. What if you had a glass of water sitting in front of you. If you put your finger down in the water, how fast would that water move and make way for your finger? When you pull your finger back out, how fast does the water replace your finger? Would it be safe to say that the water in the glass is flexible to obsticles?

When you and I keep a "Mind Like Water", we stay focused on our dream/mission and don't let obsticles derail our train of thought. "Minkqua" comes from MINd liKe water (QUA).

What obsticles have you had to go through to hit some of your biggest achievements so far? Are you going through any right now? Think Minkqua! Keeping your mind focused on your next dream will help you roll with the punches that life has to throw your way.

Rocky's Words of Wisdom
<<<< Mind Set Example >>>>

Obviously, there is more to success fundamentals than "staying focused". Every week, we will be discussing success basics and how true wealth is created.

Check back next week when we dive into some of the best examples of tenacity and focused drive.