Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tears and Blood Flow

Just a Glimpse

Just a Glimpse

A glimpse into your heart oh Lord Jesus,
how can I take more than a moment's flash.

Pain that severe would be un-imaginable!
The suffering and cost seems so surreal.

As the memories begin to play back again,
the horror of the brutality fills every scream.

The breaking of emotion toward your very people.
Loving them so much you had to finish the plan.

Now you call, call them to join you,
Yet they cannot hear for the filth and sin.

Your screams mean nothing to them.
They dismiss the reality of your Truth and call it a story .

Your prophets shout and trumpet your Word,
So that none will left desolate, not even one!

Just to hear your children say in all their pride,
"That may be true for you but not for me!?"

How can you step back in agony and simply reply,
"I didn't suffer for a few, I willingly died for ALL!"

The Truth of The Most High God…. Is NOT an OPINION!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Your Playground in the Eighth Day

Your Supreme Majesty

Your Supreme Majesty

Here I am humbled by your majesty.
Covered by your Grace so freely given.

Here I am knowing I'm a sinful man.
Covered by the blood of the Lamb.

Now I've found the greatest love of all.
Forever, I am changed by that love!

Your Truth drove me to the cross,
How can a simple Thank You be enough?

Worthy are you Lamb of God, seated on the throne.
The darling of Heaven crucified for Your very betrayers.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Ultimate Palms

The Ultimate Palms

Celebrate! Shout with Joy!
Here comes The King!

See His Mighty Glory;
so brilliant and beautiful.

It's the brilliance of a trillion stars.
Pure and righteous Savior of His flock.

See the scars on his side, feet and hands.
Absolute proof he was there that day.

I'm humbled in astonishment for
the price He gave for true life.

Did He celebrate that day
by giving His life for mine?

The passage of time has now flown far away,
like a cheetah drifting across the plain.

Sing to the King of the ages!
Sing of his Greatness and Mercy!

As we worship the Lamb of God forever more,
gaze upon the only one to love us with...

...His Ultimate Palms!

The Voice of Perfect Love!

The Voice of Perfect Love

The Voice of Perfect Love

Today, we celebrate the love
of that special someone.

On this day, we share our heart
with those closest to us.

You found me in the depths,
well below the surface of reality.

On that day, I shivered like a newborn
child; oh the impact of your presence.

A Love I never knew existed;
Love that you show even to the blind.

How many times have I screamed Leave me alone!?
How many times did you scream back NEVER!

As you peeled back the hate and anger from my heart,
I began to see the hope of your eternal peace.

As I lie in my brokenness and flowing tears,
Your pierced hands catching every drop,

I sense your presence and hear your voice
whisper while I question my worthiness;

"Hear my voice my child, Welcome Home!"

Dedicated to my mother, Shirley, for not giving up on me during those blind days of my youth.

February 14, 2012